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Task Management Tracker in Google Sheets

Task management is an essential part of any project management process. It involves planning, tracking, and reporting tasks to ensure they are completed on time and within scope. Google Sheets is an excellent tool for task management due to its flexibility, ease of use, and collaborative features. In this article, we will explore how to set up a Task Management Tracker in Google Sheets and utilize its features to boost your productivity.

Task Management Tracker

Key Features of Task Management Tracker

Top Section:

In this section, we are showing the visuals part of the tracker. Below are the visuals-

Task Management Tracker in Google Sheets

Total Tasks Card

In the top section, we are showing the total number of tasks. It gives you a quick overview of your workload, helping you plan your resources effectively. We have used COUNTA function to get these numbers as given below


Task Count by Priority Chart:

A 3D pie chart visualizes the task count by priority, categorizing tasks into high, medium, and low priorities. This allows you to focus on the most critical tasks first.

Task Count by Status Chart:

The task count by status is represented through a 3D doughnut chart. It shows the distribution of tasks based on their status as In Progress, Not Started, and Completed. This helps you monitor project progress at a glance.

Task Count by Overdue chart:

This section highlights the number of overdue tasks. Keeping track of overdue tasks is crucial to ensure deadlines are met and projects stay on track.

Task Count by Pending Age

Pending tasks are categorized based on their age, helping you identify tasks that have been pending for a long time and need immediate attention. We are using below given Pending age buckets:


Task input table:

After the top section of visuals, we have an input table wherein we are capturing and calculating the task data.

Task Management Tracker Table

Below are the details for each columns in this table:


Additionally, three blue columns help you track overdue tasks and pending days. These are formulated fields. You don’t need to enter anything here.




List Sheet tab:

In this sheet tab, we have the list of Assigned To employee name. You can this list as per your requirements.

We have also Pending Age bucket table here in this sheet as given below:

Task Management Tracker in Google Sheets

Advantages of Using a Task Management Tracker in Google Sheets

Using a Task Management Tracker in Google Sheets offers several benefits:

Best Practices for Using the Task Management Tracker

To get the most out of your Task Management Tracker, follow these best practices:


A Task Management Tracker in Google Sheets is a versatile and powerful tool that can help you stay organized and manage your tasks effectively. By leveraging its features and following best practices, you can ensure your projects are completed on time and within scope.

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