Project Management Issue Tracker

In this article, we have created a Project Management Issue Tracker in Google Sheets. This is a ready to use template. You can easily manage the different issues in your project.

Key Features of Project Management Issue Tracker in Google Sheets:

In this template, we have 3 sheet tabs:

1) Summary Sheet tab:

Project Management Issue Tracker
Project Management Issue Tracker

In this sheet tab, we are showing the summary of the issues of your Project. Here we are showing-

  • Issue by Status: This is a doughnut chart, showing the number of issues by status like – Resolved, Open or in-progress count.
  • Issue by Priority: This is Pie Chart showing the showing the number of issues by Priority like – Low, Medium, Hight or Critical.
  • Resolved%: This is a gauge chart, and it is showing the percentage of resolved issues.
  • Overdue Issue: This is a table and here we are showing the issue title and description which are opened or in-progress, but Target Resolution Date is crossed.
  • Critical Open Issue: This is also a table and here we are showing the issue title and description which are opened, or in-progress and Priority is Critical.
  • Issued by Assigned To: This is bar chart, here we are showing the Issue count by Assigned to.

2) Project Issue Tracker sheet tab:

Project Issue Tracker sheet tab
Project Issue Tracker sheet tab

In this sheet tab, we have a input table wherein use need to enter the new issue or change the status or comments for existing issue.

In this table we have below given fields:

  • Issue ID: This is an auto generated serial number.
  • Issue Title: Here you need to enter the title of project issue.
  • Description: Enter the details of project issue here.
  • Priority: Select the Priority of the issue as Low, Medium, High or Critical.
  • Status: Select the Status of the issue as Open, In-progress or resolved. You should update this filed according to the current status of the issue.
  • Assigned To: Select the name of the person, who will resolve the issue.
  • Date Reported: Double click to open the calendar and select a data on which the issue was reported.
  • Target Resolution Date: Double click to open the calendar and select a data for target resolution.
  • Comments: Enter the comments if you have any.

Slicers:  On the top of this sheet tab, we have given 3 slicers for Status, Assigned to, and Priority you can select any value in these slicer to filter the data in the table.

3) Assigned to sheet tab:

Assigned to sheet tab
Assigned to sheet tab

in this sheet tab we have given the list of users who will be responsible to resolved for the issues.

Our Template for Project Management:

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Meet PK, the founder of! With over 15 years of experience in Data Visualization, Excel Automation, and dashboard creation. PK is a Microsoft Certified Professional who has a passion for all things in Excel. PK loves to explore new and innovative ways to use Excel and is always eager to share his knowledge with others. With an eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, PK has become a go-to expert in the world of Excel. Whether you're looking to create stunning visualizations or streamline your workflow with automation, PK has the skills and expertise to help you succeed. Join the many satisfied clients who have benefited from PK's services and see how he can take your data analysis skills to the next level!